Sunday, January 11, 2015

January 2015: My Current PPD Treatment

I was diagnosed with postpartum depression in July 2013, four months after the birth of my daughter Pippa.  At that time, my psychiatrist prescribed 100 mg of Zoloft and 30 mg of Mirtazapine (aka Remoeron).  I am now taking 150 mg of Zoloft and 3.25 mg of Mirtazapine every night before I go to bed. I see my psychiatrist every four weeks, give or take a few days.

These are some other things I do to keep my mental health as awesome as possible:

- Regular exercise, especially lots of Zumba and swimming because those activities get my heart pumping and make me smile.
- No alcohol. If I have even a few sips of wine, the next day I feel depressed, so I have not had a sip of alcohol in nearly a year. I don't miss it at all.
- Seeing a wide range of friends and family on a regular basis.  
- Having time away from Pippa so I can recharge my batteries.
- Getting out of the house!

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